Do you feel always tired ? Rule out Anaemia.

  Contributed by Dr.Vipul Agarwal MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), FAGE Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine Mahatma Gandhi medical college, Jaipur E-mail: linkedIn/ Instagram/ facebook Studies suggest at least one third of the Indian population suffers from anaemia, with the prevalence being much higher in adolescents, especially girls. Anaemia is the term for when […]

3 mins read

Dietary interventions in PCOD

Contributed by  Dt Quratul-Aan  (  Case study: PCOD and central obesity  Saleh(name changed) ,25 year old,female with an initial weight of 107.01kg ,height of %’4.2’’ with BMI of 39.21,sedentary worker,non vegetarian food pattern  Client had oligomenorrhea ,medicine induced cycles,facial acne ,hirsutism,increased waist hip circumference ,insomnia  Methods : The client was provided detailed consultation taking in […]

4 mins read

Moving from tissue biopsy to chromosomal analysis (Chromopsy)

Contributed by Dr Ghulam Nabi. Professor of Surgical Uro-oncology. Ninewells Hospital, University of Dundee, United Kingdom  Linkedin : Prof Ghulam Nabi   As we move forward in Medicine, precision of diagnosis and treatment improves. Obtaining tissues for microscopic examination ( biopsy) by expert clinician (pathologist) is considered as definitive way to confirm diseases such as […]

1 min read

Case of the month : Syncope on exertion :can he go Home?

Contributed by DR PAREY MOHD FAROOQ MD MMSC ,MRCEM Department of Emergency medicine University Hospital of Morecambe bay NHS foundation trust United Kingdom   Clinical scenario :  A 78 year old male brought into the emergency department by ambulance .Paramedics report that bypassers called EMS after witnessing a man collapsing in a park . As […]

6 mins read