He was wrongly diagnosed as a case of Chronic liver disease !!!

Clinical scenario : A 19-year-old male was referred to our hospital with a one-year history of breathlessness on exertion and fatigue, accompanied by a history of gastrointestinal bleeding. Three months ago, he experienced three episodes of painless hematemesis, during which he was admitted to another hospital and diagnosed with variceal bleeding. At that time, he […]

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Case of the month: “Tackling Dysphagia in the Young: The POEMS Procedure”

This case was contributed by Dr Raj Kumar Sarveson Consultant Gastroenterologist Linkedin University Hospitals of NorthMidlands United Kingdom Clinical scenario : A 42 year old male presented with history of dysphagia to solids and liquids of 2 years duration . It was associated with weight loss of around 12 kgms On evaluation he had features […]

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Case of the month: Elderly male with abdominal mass

Contributed by Dr Ali Al Ahmari Head of the dept of Gastroenterology AlHADA Military Hospital Saudi Arabia A 67-year-old male, diabetic for the past ten years on oral hypoglycemic agents with well-controlled glucose levels, presented with severe epigastric pain and a palpable mass in the epigastric region, which he first noticed three weeks ago. The […]

1 min read

CASE OF THE MONTH : Anaemia & Jaundice in a Child.

Contributed by Dr. Ghulam Nabi, MD, Pediatric Consultant and Neonatologist at Bugshan Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (drgnabi2@gmail.com). Case Presentation: Beta Thalassemia (Cooley Anemia) A 2-year-old Lebanese girl presented at our clinic for a routine check-up and blood tests. She is a known case of Beta Thalassemia and is under the care of a pediatric hematologist […]

3 mins read