How to overcome annoying hiccups ?
Friends : We often get hiccups but when hiccups last longer these become annoying and at times embarrassing too. Let us first know how hiccups are caused . Normal inspiration and expiration follow a smooth rhythm but during a hiccup epiglottis snaps shut and diaphragm contracts —and that shrill sound comes out often glorfied by poets but in real life annoying. There’s often no obvious reason why we get hiccups, but some people find certain things trigger their hiccups, such as:
See your doctor if your hiccups:
Your doctor will try to find out if your hiccups are caused by a health condition or medication you’re taking – treating the condition or changing your medicine should stop your hiccups. If there’s no obvious cause, they might be able to prescribe medicine to treat your hiccups. This doesn’t work for everyone. Things you can do yourself to stop or prevent hiccups Although many people find these things helpful, nevertheless ,every one may not get benefited by these tips Me 1.Breathe into a paper bag (don’t put it over your head) 2. Pull your knees up to your chest and lean forward 3.Sip ice-cold water 4.Swallow some granulated sugar 5.Bite on a lemon or taste vinegar 6.hold your breath for a short time Don’t drink alcoholic, fizzy or hot drinks chew gum or smoke – these can cause you to swallow air eat spicy food eat food very quickly eat or drink something very cold immediately after something hot Best wishes . Have a good day and only occasional hiccups! |
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