Test and treat Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C thus protect your liver

Chronic hepatitis B and C continue to be endemic in our region affecting millions. We must actively screen infected people and treat them so that its complications like cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma are averted.  Why is screening important.? Having HBV or HCV is  no  more a taboo, as affordable treatment options are  now  available. The […]

3 mins read

Management of ascites in cirrhosis

Management of ascites  in cirrhosis Grading of ascites: Grade I Detected by USG only , Grade II moderate ascites , Grade III gross ascites Characteristics of ascites in CLD: wide gradient SAAG >1.1 Recommendations  1. A diagnostic paracentesis should be performed in all patients with new-onset grade 2 or 3 ascites, and in all patients […]

4 mins read

Treating Cirrhosis of Liver .

Cirrhosis is a chronic disease, and patients with cirrhosis require ongoing medical care with a physician . There is progressive decline in liver cell function and patients are prone to develop ascites , altered sensorium and hematemesis( Blood with vomiting ) Medical care for patients with cirrhosis has several aims: (1) treating the underlying cause […]

2 mins read