Case of the month : Rash in an infant !
Contributed by
Dr.Ghulam Nabi, MD.
Paediatric Consultant and Neonatologist.
Bugshan Hospital Jeddah, K.S.A.
An 11 months old Syrian girl attended our outpatient clinic with a history of rash of one day duration. Patient had a fever for three days which subsided with Paracetamol. Soon after the fever subsided, a rash appeared. Antenatal and postnatal history was uneventful. Other kids are normal. On examination the child was active, playful, vital signs and growth parameters were normal. Skin face and body maculopapular rash (figure1).
Parents refused laboratory investigations. A diagnosis of Roseola infantum was made Symptomatic treatment was prescribed as there is no specific treatment for this disease and was asked to come for follow up after one week. Skin rash in infants, treating doctor should keep in mind Roseola Infantum also. Roseola Infantum is an acute, self-limited disease of infancy and early Childhood. HHV-6B is responsible for the majority of cases of Roseola Infantum disease characterized by high fever. The fever usually resolves acutely after 72 hours, coincident with the appearance of pink non-pruritic rash on the body. Rash lasts 3-5 days. There is no specific vaccine or treatment for this disease and most children with the disease are not seriously ill. The prognosis for a child with Roseola is excellent and no long-term side effects. |
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