IBS is different from IBD : How to live happily with IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, long-term condition of the digestive system. It is different from Inflammatory bowel disease IBD Remember 3 R’s in IBS IBS symptoms : IBS is a very common condition, thought to affect up to one in five people at some point in their life, and it usually first develops when a person is between 20 and 30 years of age. Around twice as many women are affected as men. The condition is often lifelong, although it may improve over several years. Before you are labeled IBS please be sure all other diagnosis with similar symptomatology are ruled out There are lot of patients who have IBS symptoms but may have Celiac disease, microscopic colitis or Crohn’s disease,food allergies etc Thus IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Get evaluated to rule out other causes. What causes IBS? The exact cause of IBS is unknown, but most experts think that it’s related to the increased sensitivity of the gut and problems digesting food. A word of caution do not get swayed by marketing industry about any product claiming to cure IBS How is IBS treated? Living with IBS: IBS is unpredictable. An animal can not have IBS that connotes human brain has a role to play in IBS Speak to Doctor if you have feelings of depression or anxiety that are affecting your daily life. These problems rarely improve without treatment and your GP can recommend treatments such as antidepressants or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which can help you cope with IBS, as well as directly treating the condition. With appropriate medical and psychological treatment, you should be able to live a normal, full and active life with IBS.
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