
Meat: Lesser the better

Red meat is a good source of protein, iron and other micronutrients. For those who consume it, lean rather than fatty cuts are preferred but please consume less.     Unfortunately excessive intake of red meat and processed meat are linked to colon   cancer1 and cardiovascular diseases 2  which are on rise all over the […]

1 min read

Image challenge.

  This case was contributed by  Dr Ali Al Ahmari Head Gastroenterology Al Hada Military Hospital  Taif Saudi Arabia  Email:alalahmari@hotmail.com Case scenario: A 54 yr. old male was admitted with history of fatigue and generalized malaise of six weeks’ duration. He also complained of postprandial fullness and an episode of non-bilious vomiting. Systemic examination was […]

1 min read


Contributed by Prof Shariq Masoodi. Prof of Endocrinology SKIMS Sgr. WHO definition of health, formulated in 1948, describes health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”  Here is how trekking offers all these benefits to nature lovers while they are in its lap.  […]

6 mins read

Gear up for the winter

“Winter is on my head but spring is in my heart”, said Victor Hugo years back . We can face the challenges  of harsh winter when we are fully prepared and make it an enjoyable experience .Some of the essential points towards happy winter  are as under :- 1.Medical conditions that need special attention in […]

4 mins read