Basic lifestyle habits for your best general well- being

Contributed by  Dr. Vipul Agarwal M.B;B.S  MD(Internal Medicine), FAGE, CPCDM(RSSDI) Lifestyle changes- Sleep adequately- 8 hrs a day(most important)- most important hours- 10pm- 2am. early to bed early to rise Keep yourself hydrated Keep screen time to bare minimum- avoid any screen after 8pm Warm bedtime bath with Epsom salt Central nervous system dysregulation stabilization […]

1 min read

World No Tobacco Day: A Call to Quit Smoking and Embrace Healthy Living

Contributed by  Mr Kaisar Ahmad Malla Working as Jr Staff Nurse-Govt Medical College Kantbagh-Baramulla. email : Tobacco is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is responsible for one in every ten adult deaths and nearly half of all children exposed to second-hand smoke. That’s why the World Health Organization (WHO) and […]

4 mins read

Steroid abuse in younger generation

Contributed by Dr Parey Mohd Farooq , MD.MRCEM. Member of Europeans society of emergency medicine . Emergency medicine specialist ,educational and training lead , Royal Lancaster infirmary ,University Hospital of Morecambe bay NHS foundation trust ,United kingdom Abstract: Steroid abuse among young people is rampant in today’s society. The usage of steroids has increased over […]

3 mins read

Diet in pregnancy: What pregnant moms need to know !

Dr. Vipul Agarwal M.B;B.S  MD(Internal Medicine) Consultant physician Maitri Clinic, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India You can find me at- E-mail: linkedIn/ Instagram/ facebook / Google profile Pregnancy is one of the fascinating female experiences . Once  pregnant, see your doctor or nurse and read about various aspects of pregnancy. Your doctor will explain how your […]

7 mins read