Sudden onset deafness in an adult with normal ears.

Contributed by Dr Parey Mohd Farooq. MD,MRCEM,  Member of European society of Emergency Medicine , Emergency medicine specialist at University Hospital Of Morecambe Bay NHS  Trust , Lancaster United Kingdom Facebook A 52 year Gentleman presented to his physician with bilateral otalgia ,tinnitus associated with subjective fever without any ear discharge . This was preceded […]

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She was wrongly diagnosed as Migraine

This case was Contributed by: Dr. Naif Edah Alomairi. Consultant Neurologist. College of Medicine  Taif university KSA  Clinical scenario:      A 28-year old lady presented with  severe headache of 3 days duration. Her history of headache dated back to  five  years prior to current presentation . The headache would occur  every 4-5 months and she had been diagnosed […]

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Case of the month: MELAS

This case was contributed by  Prof Majid Jehangir. M.D Dept of Radiology  GMC, Srinagar Kashmir  A 35 year old female with infertility presented with seizure disorder. MRI brain showed flair hyperintensity in frontal ,parietal lobe and occipital  frontal gyrus and olfactory gyrus . With enhancement in right caudate head and left occipital lobe Leptomeningeal  enhancement in […]

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A good clinical examination clinched the diagnosis : Poncet’s disease revisited

This case was contributed by Dr.Vipul Agarwal MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), FAGE Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine Mahatma Gandhi medical college, Jaipur E-mail: linkedIn/ Instagram/ facebook Clinical scenario: A 28 year old male presented with bilateral joint pains for one month involving bilateral knee, ankle, metatarsophalangeal joints, elbow, wrist, metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. […]

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