Case of the Month: A case of venom induced ‘Ballant’s syndrome’ in a patient with snake bite
Contributed by Dr Prathvi Nandalike, Assistant Professor, Dr Rahul R Raikar, MCH Neurosurgery resident, Dr Nimrah Fathima, Assistant Professor, Dr Sandhya Rani, Assistant Professor Corresponding author email:prathvinandalike@gmail.com Clinical scenario: A 35 year old male , a farmer by occupation presented with Weakness of Left upper limb and lower limb of 9 days duration . 6 days prior to the current presentation he had a snake bite at his little finger of Right hand ,while working in his fields at Pattasaragu village, following which patient went to nearby temple and while walking in the temple, patient lost his consciousness and fell down He was taken to nearby hospital by the bystanders ,where the patient was treated with medications in the form of anti snake venom , iv fluids and referred to VIMS,Bellary . While transportation he suddenly became irritable and attendants noticed there was paucity of movements on left upper limb and left lower limb. Examination : The examination on arrival revealed he was in altered sensorium and did not respond to verbal commands . There was No h/o swelling at the bite site. He had normal systemic examination . He was immediately intubated as his oxygen saturation was low. After two days of hospital admission ,the patient became conscious and responded to verbal commands and later he was extubated. Detailed neurological showed normal higher Mental Functions Memory -Immediate – intact Recent – intact Remote – intact Attention – normal Mood / Affect – Normal Cranial nerves normal except vision lost in temporal side of left eye and nasal side of left eye confirmed by perimeter. Left lower limb – Extension at hip and knee joint, externally rotated, foot inverted , plantar flexed .motor system Bulk equal both sides. Hypotonic in left upper and lower limbs with power of 3/5 in both upper and lower limbs. Superficial reflexes abdomen and cremasteric absent and plantar extensor in left lower limb with brisk deep tendon reflexes in left side. Sensory system and cortical sensations intact with no meningeal irritation signs and symptoms and circumduction gait. Investigations : Routine blood investigation shows slightly raised hemoglobin with normal renal, liver function tests. MRI brain shows right MCA and PCA territory acute infarcts and left occipital lobe infarcts. Hospital course : The patient was intubated Patient was administered with 20 ASVs with Neostigmine and atropine and calcium gluconate and other supportive measures like iv fluids. Extubated after 2 days He became conscious and had left side hemiparesis Patient improved gradually and was stable in discharge with slight improvement in left upper and lower limb and was able to walk with support. Teaching message: All cases of snake bite should be evaluated for any CNS involvement because it causes haemorrhage in the brain or CVT but this patient had acute infarcts in right internal capsule and left occipital lobe. Imaging in the form of CT /MRI may be indicated in relevant cases . References :
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