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Bumpy Roads available online

Bumpy roads is essentially a travelog, but also a travelog through life itself, containing what I hope are universal messages for all readers. I believe that humanity is a single race and Education is the only way we can prosper in the world & make a difference in society . 

We need to focus our youth to build a prosperous society. 

With this aim I have written this book in the form of stories in a very simple language .

I have tried to  bring home to the student community how to live irrespective of caste , color and creed . Then I have written regarding study skills

Finally  as a physician I advise them about smoking, drug abuse and alcoholism – the killers of the human race.

I have also taken the reader on a tour of all the three divisions of Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh highlighting  their  rich culture and glorious past

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You can read various reviews on my Blog   Bumpy Roads reviews  

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with sincere regards 

Dr Ibrahim Masoodi

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