Screening and eradication of Helicobacter pylori for gastric cancer prevention Important questions answered

Gastric cancer remains the 5th most common cause of cancer deaths. Major breakthrough in stomach cancer has been the identification of  H pylori  relation  to gastric cancer . A global consensus meeting was held to review current evidence and knowledge gaps and propose collaborative studies on population-wide screening and eradication of Helicobacter pylori for prevention […]

4 mins read

Image of the month : Parasitic Twin , a rare ultrasound diagnosis

Contributed by :  Dr Farooq Ahmad Wani  Senior Consultant Radiologist Director North End Hospital Srinagar -Baramulla National Highway, Palhalan , Kashmir  Clinical scenario ; A pregnant Female with Gestational Age 15 weeks and 5 days presented to clinic for gestational ultrasound  On Level II USG scan, A twin pregnancy was noted    One of the Twins […]

1 min read

Symptoms of Bowel cancer : Nip the evil in the bud.

Colorectal mortality has declined since 1990 due to increased awareness and screening , however,  it continues to remain the 3rd most common cause of death.  Most common symptoms of colorectal cancer are :  bleeding from the back passage (rectum) or blood in your poo   a change in your normal bowel habit, such as looser […]

1 min read

Colon cancer can be prevented here is how .

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most commonly occurring cancers and causes of cancer death Country-specific incidence and mortality rates are available from the World Health Organization GLOBOCAN database . However, when detected early , colon cancer can be treated and over the past decades the mortality due to colon cancer  has declined due […]

4 mins read

Psychological aspects of Colon cancer.

Contributed by Dr Shaheen Shora  Consultant Psychiatrist & Clinical Director HPFT, NHS UK. Twitter  Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. A cancer diagnosis can affect the emotional well being and mental health of patients, families and carers. Cancer can affect individuals feelings, mood and ways […]

4 mins read