Image of the month : Parasitic Twin , a rare ultrasound diagnosis

Contributed by :  Dr Farooq Ahmad Wani  Senior Consultant Radiologist Director North End Hospital Srinagar -Baramulla National Highway, Palhalan , Kashmir  Clinical scenario ; A pregnant Female with Gestational Age 15 weeks and 5 days presented to clinic for gestational ultrasound  On Level II USG scan, A twin pregnancy was noted    One of the Twins […]

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Image challenge !

Clinical scenario  An 80 year old female presented to our clinic with history of postprandial fullness, nausea and intermittent  postprandial   vomiting of 3 weeks duration without any history of anorexia or weight loss.  Examination she was conscious oriented hemodynamically stable with  no pallor, lymphadenopathy cyanosis or jaundice.  Her systemic examination was normal . Investigations : On laboratory evaluation […]

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Image challenge.

  This case was contributed by  Dr Ali Al Ahmari Head Gastroenterology Al Hada Military Hospital  Taif Saudi Arabia Case scenario: A 54 yr. old male was admitted with history of fatigue and generalized malaise of six weeks’ duration. He also complained of postprandial fullness and an episode of non-bilious vomiting. Systemic examination was […]

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