He was wrongly diagnosed as a case of Chronic liver disease !!!

Clinical scenario : A 19-year-old male was referred to our hospital with breathlessness on exertion and fatigue for 1 year and a history of gastrointestinal bleeding. Three months ago, he had three episodes of painless hemetemesis when he  was admitted to another hospital and was found to have variceal bleeding. He was transfused with four […]

4 mins read

The biopsy results brought back his lost smile.

Clinical scenario: A 25-year-old male presented with high-grade intermittent fever of 2 months duration and progressively increasing   jaundice of  1 month .It was associated with anorexia and significant loss of weight. His past and family history were not contributory. The examination displayed deep jaundice, no features of chronic liver disease and mild hepatomegaly. After baseline […]

1 min read

Image of the Month

Contributed by  Dr Kaiser Raja   Consultant Gastroenterologist  M.D D.M(Gastro) ACGME accredited Advanced Fellowship in Liver Diseases and Transplant Hepatology from The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, United States.  Clinical scenario : A 35-year-old male, the patient presented with intermittent dysphagia for 5 years, which usually occurred with solid food. No history of food […]

1 min read