Top health benefits of Turmeric
Again may not be solely sufficient in depression. We need to have psychological assessment and antidepressants in depression. In addition to its regular use during cooking you may put 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Turmeric while preparing rice. Word of caution Nowadays people use Turmeric for prevention of COVID-19 please be apprised that mask, physical distancing and hand washing are the only ways to prevent covid-19.It may help in a covid-19 patient to reduce inflammation but there are no definite studies as yet .
Kulkarni SK, Bhutani MK, Bishnoi M. Antidepressant activity of curcumin: involvement of serotonin and dopamine system. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 Dec;201(3):435-42. Xu Y, Ku BS, Yao HY, Lin YH, Ma X, Zhang YH, Li XJ. The effects of curcumin on depressive-like behaviours in mice. Eur J Pharmacol. 2005
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