Healthy Child healthy Nation

Child care starts right from conception . Expectant Moms should undergo proper antenatal check ups and  focus on various maternal diseases .Gestational diabetes mellitus is one such condition which can lead to birth of big babies .Maternal hypothyroidism should be promptly treated to prevent mental retardation in the newborn .Similarly expectant moms should be screened […]

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Time to think about Routine Vaccination for your child .Do not miss it.

Contributed by Dr Sahana K.S Additional Professor Pediatrics Yenepoya Medical College ,Mangalore-Karnataka-575018   Current situation of the pandemic has made life of all   people difficult. Routine life along with routine health care activities like normal  immunisation for  children is also getting affected. It has been observed that since the onset of pandemic, there has […]

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Inflation in New-born’s Nutritional Needs

Contributed by  Dt Quratul-Aan  (  New-born’s revamp much greater speed from a proportionately regular speed within the womb to the random feed provided to them viz, Milk.  The importance and necessity of the sole source of feed is of utmost importance that the first parameter of their growth monitoring mechanism, height and weight is determined by the quality […]

4 mins read

Why does self-talk matter?

Why does self-talk matter?  Contributed by  Ms Aaliya Masoodi Self-talk is your inner conversation. It’s impacted by your subconscious psyche, and it discloses your impressions, assumptions, questions, and notions. Self-talk can be both unfavourable and favourable. It can be facilitated, and it can be discomforting. Much of your self-talk relies on your temperament. If you’re […]

3 mins read

Unusual complication of COVID 19

Contributed by Dr Balachandra S Bhat. MD Assistant Professor  Medicine Yenepoya Medical College Mangalore Karnataka email : Clinical scenario : A 55 year old male presented to our ER with a history of  cough, sore throat and shortness of breath of 2 days duration. On examination the patient  was conscious , oriented and hemodynamically […]

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