Ten signs you have a High Level of Emotional Intelligence.

Student corner:  Contributed by Ms Aaliya Masoodi Emotional intelligence as Dr Travis Bradberry illustrates is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behaviour, navigates social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results. Despite the implication of EQ, its metaphysical nature makes it very hard […]

4 mins read

Top tips to improve your emotional intelligence

Student corner:  Contributed by Ms Aaliya Masoodi Emotional Intelligence, (EI) is the ability to observe, practice, comprehend and manage your feelings effectively and completely. A high EQ helps you to communicate reasonably, lessen your difficulty and burden, diffuse disputes, enhance connections, empathize with others, and effectively overcome life’s unpredictability.  According to Daniel Goleman, an American […]

3 mins read

Healthy diet : An overview

Student corner:  Contributed by SAJAD AHMAD KHANDAY  sajadunique108@gmail.com   A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to health. Healthy dietary practices should be started […]

4 mins read

Hypothyroidism and TFT interpretations

Thyroid hormone plays a crucial role right from conception to old age The endocrine   system finely  tuned by hypothalamus & its beloved Pituitary gland. meticulously manages the body ,based on a negative feedback  Thyroid  function tests are often prescribed by physicians to evaluate high liver enzymes, constipation etc. it is extremely important to identify hypothyroidism […]

2 mins read

Home blood pressure monitoring – Do’s and Don’ts

Contributed by Dr.Vipul Agarwal M.B;B.S  MD(Internal Medicine) Department of Internal Medicine Yenepoya medical college, Mangaluru email: vipul.msrmc@gmail.com linkedIn/ Instagram/ facebook   Home blood pressure monitoring – Do’s and Don’ts We all have many of our family members suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension). Regular BP monitoring at home plays an important role in effective management […]

4 mins read