Why does self-talk matter?

Why does self-talk matter?  Contributed by  Ms Aaliya Masoodi Self-talk is your inner conversation. It’s impacted by your subconscious psyche, and it discloses your impressions, assumptions, questions, and notions. Self-talk can be both unfavourable and favourable. It can be facilitated, and it can be discomforting. Much of your self-talk relies on your temperament. If you’re […]

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Top tips to cope up with anxiety in COVID -19

Contributed by Ms Aaliya Masoodi The COVID-19 epidemic has had a major consequence on our lives. Many of us are encountering challenges that can be annoying, overpowering, and provoke harsh emotions in adults and children. World health strategies, such as social distancing, maintaining a 1-metre extent, etc. are crucial to lessening the spread of COVID-19, […]

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