Hypothyroidism and TFT interpretations

Thyroid hormone plays a crucial role right from conception to old age The endocrine   system finely  tuned by hypothalamus & its beloved Pituitary gland. meticulously manages the body ,based on a negative feedback  Thyroid  function tests are often prescribed by physicians to evaluate high liver enzymes, constipation etc. it is extremely important to identify hypothyroidism […]

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Home blood pressure monitoring – Do’s and Don’ts

Contributed by Dr.Vipul Agarwal M.B;B.S  MD(Internal Medicine) Department of Internal Medicine Yenepoya medical college, Mangaluru email: vipul.msrmc@gmail.com linkedIn/ Instagram/ facebook   Home blood pressure monitoring – Do’s and Don’ts We all have many of our family members suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension). Regular BP monitoring at home plays an important role in effective management […]

4 mins read

Thinking beyond Covid-19.

Students corner  Contributed by Ms Aaliya Masoodi An epidemic is not just a medical happening; it involves individuals and nations and causes turmoil, uncertainty, pressure, stigma etc. Social distancing, isolation and closure of academic institutes, departments, and entertainment platforms consigned people to stay in their homes to help stop the line of transmission. However, these […]

3 mins read